The world's most useful Talent Acquisition and RPO Technology
Welcome to Poetry, the hiring enablement workspace for talent acquisition and RPO teams.
Poetry offers 28 hiring enablement solutions, using the best AI, automation and orchestration techniques to radically simplify talent acquisition and save recruiters hours every day in completing their tasks.

Recruitment Marketing
Recruitment Operations
Recruiter Learning

Benefits of Poetry
Recruiters spend nearly 3 hours per day undertaking tasks Poetry can help them accomplish in under 3 minutes. With Poetry your recruiters will be able to access the solutions and resources they need to fulfil many of their tasks in record time from our simple-to-use recruiter desktop. Your recruitment marketing and operations teams will have central control over templates and libraries and our asset calculator will keep you informed on the $ value of your workspace.
Frequently Asked Questions
As a hiring enablement workspace, Poetry offers multiple solutions to help your recruiters to achieve their everyday tasks, in one easy-to-use interface. We provide solutions in four categories; recruitment marketing, recruitment operations, recruiter learning and recruiter tools (MOLT).
Hiring enablement closes the gap between employer branding / recruitment marketing teams, recruitment operations and their colleagues who are tasked with filling reqs, facilitating better processes for managing content, collaboration and tracking performance.
It also includes many of the other disparate tools your teams need to perform highly and if Poetry doesn’t offer them native to our hiring enablement workspace, you’ll be able to easily connect them for rapid access.
A hiring enablement workspace allows talent acquisition teams to centrally manage their content assets and provide recruiters with many other useful tools within one easy-to-use interface.
Recruiters cite ‘too many tools’ as a source of stress and constantly creating content as a burden. As a hiring enablement workspace, Poetry’s purpose is to both save you time by reducing ‘toggle tax’ and increase your productivity.
A hiring enablement workspace doesn’t replace one single legacy system. Its purpose is to make life much easier for recruiters to access all the tools and content they need to achieve their objectives in one easy-to-use interface.
However, through using Poetry, users tell us that they have been able to simplify their work and speed up their productivity by cutting down their use of browser extensions, bookmarks, favourites, apps and multiple tabs open at all times.
Large organisations have transitioned from SharePoint sites, Google Drive and Microsoft OneDrive libraries to the Poetry hiring enablement workspace for more sophisticated functionality and greater productivity. Others might use Poetry as an alternative to Notion or Confluence for greater accessibility and specialist recruiter-focused solutions.
Our founders seriously understand talent acquisition and they’ve really taken their time to study your needs and respond with a hiring enablement product which will help you reduce frustration and increase productivity. You can review some of this research at and the Recruiter Enablement YouTube channel where there are over 100 interviews with talent acquisition experts on many aspects of this topic.
We capture the time and money saved by your team through their use of Poetry and display this at all times on your admin site. Our users don’t consider Poetry “another darned place I need to log in” but as a workspace which will simplify and make their lives better.
Poetry is magical and beautiful; as are the benefits our hiring enablement workspace brings to talent acquisition.
Poetry generates feelings in people which make them take action. Throughout the talent acquisition process, from first stage outreach to 90-day check-in, recruiters’ content should be equally impactful. The Poetry hiring enablement workspace is designed to facilitate this.
You’ll see numerous references to Poetry and other forms of art throughout your experience with our hiring enablement workspace. We lovingly refer to our users as ‘poets’, while our navigation is a ‘mosaic’ made up of tiles and our ‘get started’ process is called ‘Poetic Licence’.
We offer solutions in four categories, recruitment marketing, recruitment operations, recruiter learning and recruiter tools.
To enable recruiters and hiring managers to be faster and better marketers, our libraries for content management & collaboration and generative AI content production provide solutions including social media outreach messaging, social media posts, job adverts, personas, colleague stories and more. We have designed this hiring enablement workspace so it is very easy to navigate for both admins and users and includes an intuitive content approval system so recruitment marketers can be assured that their employer brand is consistent and continuously enhanced.
Among the operational solutions we provide, such as templates for candidate interviews and intake meetings, we also offer battle cards so recruiters have somewhere to store and share their competitor insights and these battle cards can be used for creating crib sheets, so talent acquisition team members know how to approach candidates working at specific competitors. Poetry also provides access to numerous open sources of talent intelligence.
We love talent acquisition because it is so dynamic and as a result, users need to be prepared for ongoing learning. Poetry is pre-built with 24 team onboarding templates which become accessible to new-starts once you’ve customised them. Another solution is ‘team knowledge’ which is where you store and share the decks and recordings from your lunch ‘n’ learn sessions and continue to add to the library with new updates if, for example, your company rolls out a new EVP or begins to hire new skills. Poetry is not a best-of-breed e-learning solution however so you can connect solutions such as LinkedIn Learning or SocialTalent as you wish.
One of the most popular features of the Poetry hiring enablement workspace is our mosaic navigation system. Visually appealing and easy to understand, users join Poetry with intuitive pre-assembled configuration but from the beginning they are able to customise their mosaic so it makes most sense for them and allows them to become as productive as possible, adding any third party solutions they require including advertising, ATS, assessment, recruitment CRM and more.
The Poetry hiring enablement workspace does offer AI content generation but we really believe you should only create new assets if nothing suitable already exists in your workspace.
During our research prior to building this hiring enablement technology, we heard about one talent acquisition team in which three (3) recruiters all wrote their own job adverts for the same position on the same day, spending on average 25 minutes each on the same task. This doesn’t sound very productive and it was far from an isolated case.
To make sure that everything’s looking and reading the best it can be, we offer a slick content approvals system so all new content assets generated within Poetry receive admin input before being used in the real world.
We offer a 14-day free workspace for your organisation. Whoever signs up will have the ability to customise this workspace so it's in-context and on-brand and will be able to trial all the solutions. This will give you first hand insight into the potential of the Poetry hiring enablement workspace. This admin user will go through a 15-minute self-guided onboarding programme to set up your workspace for lasting success.
The real benefits brought by the Poetry hiring enablement workspace however is in the network effect which occurs when all your talent acquisition team members are users. When everyone has access to our hiring enablement workspace, sharing content and insights becomes simpler than ever and you’ll forget the talent acquisition world pre-Poetry.