What People Say

We're publishing this section in October 2023, literally the day we launch, so it's a bit early for full blown testimonials but here's some feedback you might enjoy.

As technology changes, the scope of talent acquisition will progressively focus on strategy and process improvement as opposed to day-to-day recruitment so I'm excited to use a platform that has everything my team needs in one place and see how it elevates our game.

Rachael, Talent Acquisition Manager, Poetry beta participant

Simple things which we take for granted are now in one place and this allows people of all levels and expertise to access the same meaningful and relevant content.

Rob, Talent Attraction Manager, Poetry beta participant

If you think about recruiters, they're going to have their inbox open, an ATS open, LinkedIn open and maybe they'll have Poetry open. And those four tabs may get them through it. You know, they might not need to use anything more. So, yeah, I can see value.

Hung, Recruitment Influencer

Poetry offers a strategic opportunity to streamline processes, elevate documentation standards, reduce errors, and foster seamless information sharing among our TA teams, especially in a remote-first environment.

Matt, Recruitment Operations Leader