Poetry for RPO Teams

The Poetry recruiter enablement workspace helps your account teams to break down silos and operate more collaboratively, sharing content and talent intelligence for the benefit of all of your customer accounts.

Customer Brand Management

Poetry allows your recruitment marketers to control use of your customers’ employer brands centrally while recruiters will enjoy using this product to manage and share outreach messaging, social media posts, crib sheets, colleague stories, personas, notes and much more, across account teams.

We always recommend RPO teams go to their libraries first when accessing content but Poetry does offer access to generative AI and our in-built prompt system so your recruiters get close to finished product first time. Our learning module allows you to better onboard new team members across accounts and we give you direct access to many open talent intelligence resources including competitor battle cards, so you can share your market knowledge across teams as you learn.

We 'Learned' RPO

We really get RPO and we’ve taken the time to ensure Poetry is built with your needs in mind. First thing we did was ensure a multi-tenanted environment and customisable user access so recruiters can easily collaborate across accounts while those working for customers where confidentiality is vital can do so within ethical walls.

Bring the Poetry recruiter enablement workspace into your tech stack for a distinctive customer onboarding experience, acceleration of ramp-up time and more productive and profitable customer accounts.